Friday, September 4, 2009

Health Care Benefits of Massage

During this "new economy" people are now more than in previous years watching how they spend their money. The Health Care Reform act that is currently being debated in Congress also has people deciding how their health care dollars are too spent. We here at Serenity want to be a part of that decision.  We want for you to consider our services as preventative medicine. A massage has numerous physical and mental health benefits. Here a few of them:

•Relaxes muscular soreness, spasm and tension
•Stimulates lymph circulation, thereby increasing the body’s resistance to illness
•It has a sedative or stimulating effect on the nervous system depending on the type of massage and length of the treatment
•Enhances function of joints and muscles
•Increases oxygenation and nutrition of the body’s tissues while helping eliminate trapped impurities
•Helps to reduce blood pressure
•Helps in rehabilitation after surgery or injury
•Aids in deeper sleep and helps insomnia
•Improves digestion
•Improves circulation of blood and movement of lymph fluids

So why not engage in some of your own preventative health care maintenance and book a massage today we know you it will make you feel better.

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